The classic look of the IOD’s bow in 2017 is the same as it was when the first races were held in 1937. Nicholas Schoeder Photography
As a member of the international governing body for the sport, World Sailing, the IOD World Class Association recently filed a report of its health and activities in 2017. Excerpts follow, but the full report is readily available to those interested.
“We presently have 12 Fleets in 6 countries on 2 continents. While we are working to strengthen one weak fleet in Europe, we have a new emerging fleet in New York with 6 boats and growing.
“The 2017 World Championship regatta was hosted by the Northeast Harbor Fleet, Maine, USA in 22 host-provided boats. After qualifying events held in separate fleet venues, 12 fleets from 5 countries in North America and Europe were represented by 20 entrants…Jonathan Farrar of Fishers Island, New York USA earned the title as world champion.
“Overall, the quality of regatta management, race organization, and the international jury was top notch. Principal race officer was Franny Charles. Gilmore Manuel from Scotland headed the International Jury. The Northeast Harbor Fleet earned a gold level “Clean Regattas Certification” from Sailors for the Sea through adoption of 25 best practices aimed to improve environmental sustainability and minimize, for example, use of plastic that might enter the ocean at some point.”
The report also describes the election of officers, discussion of proposed amendments, and adoption of updated class championship regulations at the class annual meeting. Five other major regattas are highlighted—two in Bermuda, two in Nantucket, and one at Fishers Island—plus news that class builders in Sweden and Canada each built a new boat in 2017.
It concludes with the class association mission statement and current registration statistics: “The class registry now lists 193 International One-Design boats in 14 organized fleets. Registered active class members as of the end of 2017 are 240.

A fleet of 20 IODs start a race during the 2017 International One-Design World Championship at Northeast Harbor, Maine, USA. Nicholas Schoeder Photography